大きい着物に夏物も追加 Summer items added to large kimonos

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ただ、普通の寸法は、 袖巾⑧>身巾⑤-⑧ の人が殆どで、細身の人であればあるほどその差が大きく
⑤の裄丈寸法が、 裄丈⑧=身巾⑤÷2 の人は稀になりますので、


尚、それほど大柄の方でない場合は洗える着物 夏物 駒絽 色無地 男物 黒No.1で対応できます。


洗える男物 夏着物 絽 大きい寸法用 黒 超トールサイズ用(46cm巾)
それほど大きくない方の絽の夏着物 黒(42cm巾)
大きい寸法用 着物の着尺・胴裏等裏地など

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#大きい着物 #男着物 #着物男物 #夏着物 #涼しい着物 #夏羽織 #羽織夏 #黒着物 #黒羽織 #男物男子 #着物黒 #羽織黒 #洗える着物 #紋付 #紋服 #Kimono #haoriKimono #Kimonoman #manKimono #summerkimono #kimonosummer #airykimono #kimonoairy #kimonoblack #blackkimono #japanesekimono #largekimono #kimonolarge #bigkimono #kimonobig #largerkimono #largerkimono

We have posted larger kimonos, but we have also added an even larger summer kimono in black ro.

In the diagram above, the length of ⑤ (maximum sleeve length: From the shoulder seam to the tip of the sleeve ⑧ and From the shoulder seam to the middle back seam ⑤ - ⑧ are the same size) is 80 cm for a regular king-size men's kimono, but
in the newly posted kimono, the length of ⑤ can be extended up to 88 cm. (When ⑧ and ⑤-⑧ are the same size)

However, most people usually have ⑧ > ⑤-⑧, and the thinner the person, the greater the difference.

It is rare for a person to have a maximum sleeve length of ⑧=⑤÷2,
so in most cases the actual sleeve length will be narrower than the maximum sleeve length.

If you need a kimono with a larger size without seams (seaming of fabric),

please consider the Summer Kimono with even larger Ro.

If you are not too large, we can accommodate you with the Washable Kimono Summer Komuro Plain Color Men's Black No.1.

3.78cm = approx. 1 kujira shaku