- 大きい着物に夏物も追加 Summer items added to large kimonos
- 縞袴・無地袴の夏物袴 掲載 Striped Hakama's and plain Summer Hakama Listed on
- 羽織の日本画柄裏地(額裏)をインテリアにも Patterned Japanese picture lining of haori as an interior decoration item
- 本麻 長襦袢 白 オーダー仕立 Linen underwear of kimono Custom tailoring
- 着物・八掛・襦袢等の生地サンプル掲載しました
- 長襦袢の人気で売り切れていた商品を再生産 Reproducing Nagajyuban(kimono undergarment) that were sold out due to popularity
- 簡易帯を余り生地で作れます We can make a simple obi with leftover fabric.
- 爽竹襦袢2タイプを扱い始めました We have started handling 2 types of Sotake undergarments.
- 羽織が暖かくなる中綿袷仕立 Filled lining keeps the haori warm
- 舞台衣装にお勧めの黒紋付羽二重(洗える着物) Black crested habutae (washable kimono) recommended for stage costumes