Washable lining fablic of haori coat | Kyoto Kimono kohbou (Studio)

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Washable lining fablic of haori coat

Washable Japanese picture lining fablic of haori coat

7,700  (Including tax) (exc tax 7,000 )
The back of the picture depicts a scenic spot, The back of the frame is decorated with pictures of scenic spots. The pattern, in which colors are...
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7,700  (Including tax) (exc tax 7,000 )
The back of the picture depicts a scenic spot, The back of the frame is decorated with pictures of scenic spots. The pattern, in which colors are added...
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7,700  (Including tax) (exc tax 7,000 )
【イメージを拡大】 This men's framed lining is made of a tezuri pattern, which is also used for silk framed lining. Fabric dimensions:...
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7,700  (Including tax) (exc tax 7,000 )
The back of the picture depicts a scenic spot, The back of the frame is decorated with pictures of scenic spots. The pattern, in which colors are added...
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7,700  (Including tax) (exc tax 7,000 )
【イメージを拡大】 This men's forehead lining is made of the brand fabric Kanebo Soafuru. It uses a tezuri pattern, which is also used for pure silk...
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7,700  (Including tax) (exc tax 7,000 )
【イメージを拡大】 この男物額裏はブランド生地カネボウソアフルを使用しています。 正絹の額裏にも使われる手摺り柄を使用しています。 生地寸法:巾約84cm×長さ:2.6m 素材:ポリエステル100% 羽織の背中の部分に柄が来ます。 ご注意下さい...
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7,700  (Including tax) (exc tax 7,000 )
The back of the picture depicts a scenic spot, The back of the frame is decorated with pictures of scenic spots. The pattern, in which colors are added...
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7,700  (Including tax) (exc tax 7,000 )
The back of the picture depicts a scenic spot, The back of the frame is decorated with pictures of scenic spots. The pattern, in which colors are added...
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7,700  (Including tax) (exc tax 7,000 )
The back of the picture depicts a scenic spot, The back of the frame is decorated with pictures of scenic spots. The pattern, in which colors are added...
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7,392  (Including tax) (exc tax 6,720 )
京都きもの工房オリジナルの吉祥柄男肩裏。 『構わぬ』と『ふぐと茄子』の組み合わせです。 『構わぬ』は物事に動じない心の様、 『ふぐと茄子』は『福と成す』をかけています。 日本の伝統で、着る人の幸せを願う中で培われた柄です。 生地長:6m/生地幅:40.5cm
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7,392  (Including tax) (exc tax 6,720 )
京都きもの工房オリジナルの吉祥柄男肩裏。 『構わぬ』と『ふぐと茄子』の組み合わせです。 『構わぬ』は物事に動じない心の様、 『ふぐと茄子』は『福と成す』をかけています。 日本の伝統で、着る人の幸せを願う中で培われた柄です。 生地長:6m/生地幅:40.5cm
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11,880  (Including tax) (exc tax 10,800 )
【イメージを拡大】 This underwear for kimono is made of Teijin Calculo. It is warm and has excellent sweat absorption and quick-drying properties...
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