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- ①「身長」/「hight」
- ②「ヒップ」または「胴回り」/「hip」or 「girth」
It is the largest part of the waist circumference. - ③「裄(ゆき)」/「Length of sleeve」
Raise your arms up to 30 degrees below horizontal, From around the back bone of the neck to the wrist bone. From the neck bone gouge (behind the seventh cervical vertebra) to the wrist bone gouge. - ④「体重」/「weight」
*The sleeve length of the juban(kimono underwear) is about 5mm shorter than the sleeve length of the kimono.
If you would like to have a kimono, haori, and nagajuban made to match a kimono you already own, please let us know your height and the measurements of the kimono using the chart above as a reference.
①Length of kimono
②From the center vertical seam in the front to the tip
③From the center vertical seam in the front to the side seam
④From the center vertical seam in the back to the side seam
⑤Extend your arm and lower it 30 degrees, from the back of your neck to your wrist
⑥From the shoulder to the bottom of the sleeve
⑧From the shoulder seam to the tip of the sleeve
⑦-It is usually about 38cm, but if you practice Kyudo or have a preference, please let us know.
*The sleeve length of the juban(kimono underwear)is about 5mm shorter than the sleeve length of the kimono.